Monday, July 12, 2010

We all feel like skipping a workout from time to time..

but before you do, here's a few questions to ask yourself:

1. Do you have a legitimate reason to skip the workout?

If you’re unwell, tired or injured, you might be better off not training. If it’s a matter of motivation, think about how positive you will feel when you have completed your workout, remember the reason that you are doing the training in the first place, and think of the benefits of exercise.

2. Will you regret it if you don’t exercise?

An extra hour’s sleep might feel good at the time however will you regret not exercising later. Is that extra hour’s work going to make all the difference to your health and well being? Thinking about the consequences may push you to make the right decision. Remember you are doing something to help yourself.

3. What other exercise have you done this week?

Can you afford a day off or are you creating bad habits? Have you exercised at all during the week or is this your only session. Think about the input into your body (food and beverages) compared to the output. Have you completed incidental exercise or been sedentary all week.

4. How will you make up for a missed workout?

Imagine that you do skip your workout. Now ask yourself how you’ll make up for it. Will you do it later, maybe after work or before bed? Or will you get up early tomorrow and workout extra long? Visualise that and ask yourself if you’ll really do it or if you’re setting yourself up for failure.

5. Why do you want to skip training?

If you are too tired, exercise will give you energy. If you are too hungry, have a quick healthy snack to keep you going. If you don’t feel like it, you will once you are there. If you have too much to do, make sure you prioritise your health first otherwise you will always find something to do. If you are bored with your workouts then try something new.

6. If you skip training, how will it affect your goals?

If you’re trying to lose weight, how important is this workout? Exercising burns calories, builds endurance and improves strength. If you skip it, none of that will happen. Maybe missing one day won’t hurt but, remember, it’s the accumulation of your workouts that leads to success.

7. Are you bored with your routine?

Workout with a friend as chatting passes the time and makes the session more fun. Find some new music that is upbeat to inspire you. Join a group class that is social as well as fun. Have a personal training session to help motivate and push you. Try different types of exercises, mix it up and get a bit of variety.

8. What might happen if you skip your training session?

Your workout isn’t just important for burning calories, it can affect every part of your day, both physically and mentally. Remind yourself that getting in your workout will give you more energy, improve your confidence and self-satisfaction, help you concentrate better, help you get more things done and allow you to actively re-commit to your goals.

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