Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spring is just around the corner

Yes, even though it's hard to believe, Spring is just around the corner. It's only 7 weeks away.
Already the days are slowly getting longer again.

Now's the perfect time to take stock of any new year's resolutions that you had regarding your health and fitness. Did you achieve all you set out to? Have you been consistent with your exercise & nutrition?

Or.. have you given in to excuses, like, I don't have the time...or the energy.... When I hear someone say, 'I don't have the time to exercise', my instant response is, 'So how's that working for you?'. Essentially, we are all busy, our lives are moving at a frenetic pace, but .. why do we always leave our health and fitness as a last priority only to be focussed on when it's too late, ie we have diabetes or we're heading at our frenetic pace to obesity or heart attack. It's something we always take for granted, until it's gone.

I used to have a job that required a 3 hour commute (on a good day, so long as the train & traffic gods were smiling). I had to start work at 8am and finish at 6pm (unless I had a video conference with the UK until 8pm..). Somehow, I had to fit in some exercise somewhere. I was already committed to my program and there was no way I was going to be quitting and giving in to my inner slug - although it could have been easy.

All I did was get out of bed 40 minutes earlier (yes, this meant dragging myself out of bed at 4.45am). 10 minutes were spent on warm up and cooldown/stretching - the other 30 minutes were an intense round of interval workouts alternated with strength training. These workouts energised me for the day ahead - that together with my packed lunchbox full of good food & healthy snacks. If I hadn't been that organised and had a very systemised planned approach to my training and nutrition, all my previous hard work would have literally gone down the toilet. There was no way I was going to let that happen.

You can do it too. All it takes is a little careful planning - committing to getting to bed at a set time each night so that you have adequate rest, planning your meals for the week & pre-packing your food for the day ahead. Planning your workouts for the week ahead. Set your alarm a bit earlier and make yourself get out of bed and do your workout.

Try it for a couple of weeks and let me know how that works for you (compared with the results you were getting before from time..).

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