Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What'll be hot in terms of fitness in 2010? #3

Over the last few years the term 'functional' fitness has taken off.
2010 will see it take on new meaning and relevance.

As our nation becomes ever older, functional fitness will have even more bearing and relevance. We're living longer, therefore we need to be able to function in normal every day activities for longer to remain independent.

But, more importantly, we have become so sedentary in our everyday lives - the modern corporate world doesn't allow for a lot of movement. Then, people go to a gym to access some activities, and generally, they sit themselves down at one machine or another doing pec deck, shoulder press, chest press, leg extension, leg curl. Whilst these activities may help to gain lean muscle mass, they do nothing for agility, balance or even resemble any type of natural movement. Isolating muscle groups does nothing to emulate real life activities.

Our bodies need to function through the primal movements of pushing, pulling, squatting, bending, lunging, twisting and gait (walk, jog, sprint) and jumping.

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