Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Still can't give up your coke or other soft drinks?

Found this on Matt O'Neill's blog....and thought I just had to share with you... it's the latest anti soft drink campaign from America">

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What'll be hot in terms of fitness in 2010? #3

Over the last few years the term 'functional' fitness has taken off.
2010 will see it take on new meaning and relevance.

As our nation becomes ever older, functional fitness will have even more bearing and relevance. We're living longer, therefore we need to be able to function in normal every day activities for longer to remain independent.

But, more importantly, we have become so sedentary in our everyday lives - the modern corporate world doesn't allow for a lot of movement. Then, people go to a gym to access some activities, and generally, they sit themselves down at one machine or another doing pec deck, shoulder press, chest press, leg extension, leg curl. Whilst these activities may help to gain lean muscle mass, they do nothing for agility, balance or even resemble any type of natural movement. Isolating muscle groups does nothing to emulate real life activities.

Our bodies need to function through the primal movements of pushing, pulling, squatting, bending, lunging, twisting and gait (walk, jog, sprint) and jumping.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What'll be hot in terms of fitness in 2010? #2

Corporate Fitness

In 2010 companies will start to see the benefits of fitness time during the day for time poor staff and executives. Organised lunch break activities will lead the way in enhancing productivity, morale and fitness and see reduced sickness.

Monday, December 21, 2009

What'll be hot in terms of fitness in 2010?

I have been doing a bit of reading and scouting around and each day I will add something to my list of what will be hot in 2010 (fitness wise of course!!!):

1. Metabolic conditioning:

Metabolic conditioning is basically conditioning the muscles to better use what’s being delivered to them by improving the efficiency of the different metabolic pathways.

When strength training is performed with a high level of intensity and short rest intervals between exercises, the cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning benefits equal or exceed what can be achieved with more traditional “cardio” activities.

What this basically means is that you can have an effective workout, in a short space of time. As a nation, as we are becoming more time poor, effective workouts that don't require an hour or more have got to be the key to ensuring we stay fit, and lean. We should not be able to use the excuse, I don't have the time to exercise.

Consider a workout (and the time that this would take) that consists of :

Timed 3 rounds of:

10 squats

10 dips

10 pushups

10 bent over rows

- this workout covers hip & thigh exercises, pushing and pulling exercises for the upper body. A total body workout which can be done in a short space of time. Of course, you just need to add in 5 minutes warmup and 5 minutes cool down/stretch time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Year, New Goals...

So, the end of the year is nearly here - and the end of a decade!!!! What resolutions did you make at new year's eve last year?? did you achieve any or all of them?

2010 is going to be the year that we all achieve our goals together.

So...what are your goals for the year? short term... long term...
there are so many fitness events that you can use as short or long term goals.
There's the Fitness Five fun run in April, run by Kembla Joggers, then Mother's Day run, these can all be used as stepping stones to the City to Surf or a half marathon. Then there's our favourite, the tough bloke challenge, on again in July. We are also organising a special challenge day up at Appin Scout Park (home of the tough bloke challenge) to utilise the obstacle course there in Feb or March. Then there's all sorts of adventure races, fun orienteering races... what will you be gearing towards? Having a goal can be the thing that keeps you motivated on the coldest wettest days, to drag yourself out of your warm bed and put those joggers on. You feel so much better for having done it, rather than just wasting the time in bed.

Whatever your goals for 2010, make them realistic, achievable, and set a date by which to achieve them. Then... tell us, and we will make sure you get there!! We might even come along to hold your hand.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Need to shift or gain a few kilos but not sure what to do?

Nutritionist, Matt O'Neill has a great program called the "Metabolic Jumpstart" program. Each program is designed to suit your needs, based on your current stats (height, weight), if you want to lose weight, maintain or put on weight, and devised according to your particular calorie requirements.

It's great because it gives you a quick snapshot of a typical day, as well as how to put your day's plan together. Too easy! I lost 7 kilos in 5 weeks on it - and it's only $29.95 for the 4 week program, which includes quite a few tools and access to the online areas as we well.