Tuesday, April 13, 2010

5 Weird Flat Abdominal Fitness Tips

Some tips from Turbulence Training guru, Craig Ballantyne!

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training for Abs

If you've been struggling to get flat, sexy abs and burn belly fat
with traditional workouts, then you are going to love these 5 weird
abdominal exercise and diet tips.

Over the last 13 years as a trainer and athlete, I've been studying
every expert and research study I can find about the best way to get
flat abs.

Today, you'll discover 5 weird tips you might not know when it comes
to getting a flat stomach and firm abs.

#1 - The best interval training work-to-rest ratio for losing belly
fat might be 1-to-1.5.

In an Australian study, researchers found that doing intervals for
8 seconds followed by 12 seconds of rest resulted in significantly
more belly fat burning than long slow cardio.

Now I know that 8 seconds on and 12 seconds off sounds a little
annoying (just try doing that on a machine), but the good news is
that these researchers found that going for 24 seconds followed by a
36 second rest works just as well for boosting fat burning hormones.

#2 - Dr. Chris Mohr's #1 weird diet tip is...

I just finished up a fat loss nutrition interview with Dr.
Mohr and he told me that his simple, yet slightly weird #1 diet tip
for fat loss is...

"Get almost all of your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables."

I really liked that tip because I've been telling people this for
years, and it's part of the Fat Loss Foundation you'll discover in
my Simple Nutrition manual & DVD.

#3 - You need to be able to do a Plank exercise for 2 minutes.

Dr. Stuart McGill, the world's leading expert on low back health,
says in his book that a person with fit abs should be able to do a
plank exercise for 2 minutes straight.

If you can't do the plank for 2 minutes, then you need to lose belly
fat and you need to get an abdominal workout DVD program that works
your abs properly.

Here are the best abdominal exercises DVDs you can get

#4 - New research shows that supersets training burns more calories
than traditional straight set resistance training.

And that's exactly what you'll get in every short, burst exercise

The short, burst superset programs save you time (getting you done
in half the time of a traditional resistance workout) while helping
you burn more fat.

#5 - To see your abs, a man will need to be close to 10% fat and a
woman will need to be at about 16% fat.

Of course, the more muscle you have, the easier it will be too see
your abs, so you'll still be able to see a 4-pack on muscular guys
when they have 12-13% fat.

But the bottom line is that you need to use the Simple Nutrition
plan combined with the short, burst exercise workouts to burn
belly fat to see your sexy abs.

BONUS Tip - A great way to work your abs harder than normal planks
is the Stability Ball Plank.

Research reported in Men's Health magazine reported this exercise to
be 30% harder on your abs than a regular plank.

And last Friday I used an interesting technique with this exercise
that caused my abs to be sore for days. But that's another story for
another weird abdominal exercise article - coming soon!

Remember, for the best flat abdominal exercises and belly fat burning
circuits, you need the TT for Abs Home Exercise DVDs & Simple
Nutrition plan from this website

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