Friday, November 6, 2009

Only 8 weeks until New Year's Eve...

Which means you still have time to get in great shape before New Year's Eve rolls in.

Why wait to make a new year's resolution? Why not get started NOW!!!

- Make a plan - set your 'realistic' goals - aim to lose 4-8kg maximum
- Fill your cupboards & fridge with healthy food - get rid of all the junk & refined processed stuff
- List your meals for the week.
- Make sure your meals are small portions - a healthy size of starchy carbs (fist or tennis ball size) and protein the size of your palm or deck of cards. Loads of green leafy veges & other coloured veges. Carrots, Corn etc are counted in the same way as potatoes - starchy carbs.
- Aim to eat 5-6 small meals or 3 small meals and 2-3 snacks per day
- Aim to drink around 2-3L of water a day
- No soft drinks
- Limit sugar in coffee & tea.
- Try and switch to either one black coffee or 2 cups of green tea instead
- Fish oil caps - 2-3 per day
- Exercise - 5-6 days per week. 30-40 minutes per session.
- Limit your treats - aim for 1-2 meals per week.

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