Thursday, October 29, 2009

More on adaptation...

In yesterday's post we mentioned changing your program every 4 weeks....
This alone can strike fear into the hearts of many...but I read I need to do 3 sets of 20 to tone up.
while this approach may appear to work for a short period of time - pretty soon your body just plateaus because it has adapted, or gotten used to the exercise. There's no challenge in the same workout.
So, where to from here?
There are so many variations of your workout that you can do to rev things back up again.
You could switch to:
a/ continue with 20 reps of each exercise but do them in circuit fashion, one after the other. Then repeat the whole circuit 3 x
b/ change the rep count. Reduce it from 20 to 12, but make sure you increase your weight accordingly.
c/ Increase the set count to 4.
d/ Change the exercises altogether. If you're in the gym and you've been doing lat pulldowns for back, then switch to assisted pullups or chinups, or even bent over barbell rows or seated rows. Legs you can choose from Squats, Hack Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges - all manner of variation (forward, walking, diagonal, reverse, side), wide squats, leg press, leg extension & leg curl.
e/ use supersets, ie you can group two exercises together for different body parts or even the same body parts.
or be radical and f/ Do something completely different - have a break from the gym (get outdoors :-) ) and join in a bootcamp or outdoor fitness group.

Our Bootcamps are getting great results - why don't you join us?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I go three times a week to the gym but I don't seem to get results

If this sounds like you... there could be several factors at play.

1. A structured plan.
Just 'going' to the gym isn't enough. You need a plan. What are you trying to achieve? For most people, it's to 'tone' up and lose weight. What does that mean exactly?? Well, firstly you'll be building muscle to create more lean body mass. This muscle is what you need to rev up your metabolism. Secondly you'll be adding in some cardio - preferably high intensity intervals. Thirdly - you need to look carefully at your nutrition. Each meal needs to be a healthy mix of macronutrients - protein, carbs & healthy fats. The other factors are...hydration - you should be taking in at least 2L of water a day, and one very overlooked factor, REST. Your body needs a good amount of rest through your sleeping at night - 6-8 hours optimum and one day of total rest a week for your body to recuperate.

2. Adaptation
Your structured plan also needs to allow for your body's adaptation to exercises. Around every 4 weeks you need to change what you're doing with your exercise plan.

3. Don't let the machines do the work
Whilst machines can be a valuable tool in the early stages of your exercise routine, the sooner you can master technique with bodyweight exercises and free weights the better. Machines tend to make muscle groups work in isolation. If you think about your real life, when do you really ever use muscles in isolation?
To explain - Say for instance you go to the gym and use the Pec Dec to try and strengthen your pectoral muscles. How does this exercise mimic anything in real life? Then look at another chest exercise, the pushup. The pushup is not only highly functional in terms of you having to support your fully body weight, but it incorporates many many muscles - you are using your core muscles for stability, your glutes will also come into play for some stability, then you are using your arms - biceps and triceps come into play in both phases of the pushup, together with the pectoral muscles. All of a sudden, you've got virtually a whole body exercise. What this equates to is more calories burned during your workout.

More to come on this tomorrow!...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fitness Testing on this Saturday!

Hi all,
Just a reminder that Fitness Testing will be running concurrently with a circuit session tomorrow morning down at Nicholson Park Woonona.

Beep Test
# situps in a minute
# pushups in a minute
Max. Plank Hold

then on to the circuit when you're finished!

See you there at 8am sharp.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bulli Spring Bootcamp #3

Our next Bulli Bootcamp is due to start on 3 November - spaces getting very limited so book now!

Helensburgh Bootcamp

We will be running a new bootcamp in Helensburgh - 4 weeks- two sessions per week.

It's Challenging
Fast paced, 45-minute interval classes. Each session starts with a good warm-up, and is then followed by 30 minutes of HIGH intensity drills and exercises; athletic style drills, running drills, medicine ball drills, speed and agility drills...focusing on speed, power, balance, co-ordination, agility and flexibility. Each class finishes up with a variation of core/abdominal work and full body stretch.

It's For Everyone
Anyone can join in, fit or unfit, male or female. If you are looking for a challenge and bored with your same old routine, our boot camp can help you achieve your fitness goals while having fun in a non-intimidating, non-competitive environment.

It's Demanding
Boot Camp is hard. Every class is designed to rev up your metabolism and push you beyond your fitness potential. Once you realise the dramatic improvements in your power, endurance, strength, stamina and physical will be addicted.

It's About Results
Bored with your same old exercise routine? Then start today and commit to a fitter, healthier you. You will improve your cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance. Our Bootcamp programs start & finish with fitness testing - this way you can see how far you have progressed during the program.

The nitty gritty
When does it run? 17 November - 10 December
Nights: Tues & Thurs
Time: 7.15-8pm
Cost: $150
What's included in cost:
training t-shirt
unlimited access into other group training programs run by Attitude to Burn or home training suggestions
nutrition guide with meal plan & recipe suggestions

Book Now as spaces are limited

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm worried I'm not fit enough....

One thing that I hear a lot from a variety of different people, whether in general enquiries or in the warmup before a session is ...
I'm really worried that I won't be able to keep up because I'm not fit enough...

So... isn't that exactly why you're joining in?

There is definitely an innate fear that people will feel foolish or be too unfit when starting something new. The thing is..we've all been there, we all had to start somewhere... and that's why you've taken the first steps into rectifying the situation. Big pat on the back for that!

The main piece of advice I can give is...just join in, do your best, if you have to stop and catch your so...then get going again, and in a few weeks time you'll look back and wonder what you were so scared about.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Monday Training: Labour Day

As it's a long weekend, there will be no training scheduled for Monday. All training will resume as normal (with Bootcamp starting again) on Tuesday morning.

Saturday morning session at 8am still on at Nicholson Park. Let's hope the rain stays away during the day and just waters our gardens and fills our water tanks overnight!