Thursday, June 17, 2010

Off to the snow?

So, ski season is now upon us, and you're all set to head down the slopes... or are you?

In order to get the most out of your time in the snow (apres stuff aside) you need to make sure your fitness and leg strength are ready for the more than ready for the task at hand!

You need to ensure you have a good base of cardiovascular fitness combined with muscular endurance to ensure you remain as injury free as possible.

A few exercises that you SHOULD be doing regularly to improve your muscular endurance are:

Lunges or walking lunges and
The Bridge or hip extension (with or without leg raise as shown here).

These need only be bodyweight only (no weights required) and should be incorporated regularly into your routine to assist with the correct muscles.

Always remember to warm up sufficiently and cooldown/stretch at the end of your routine.


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