Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Losing Weight - the simple facts

There are no quick fixes. I'm glad to see that they are finally investigating that Lemon Detox rubbish diet. But, now on the back of Weight Watchers endorsing some McDonalds meals as healthy... the facts need to be told:

What you eat is 80% of the problem.

You CANNOT out exercise a bad diet.

If you can't get your nutrition right, then you're fighting a losing battle.

Eat properly (in the right proportions), exercise well and you will see great results.

If you don't eat properly, you can exercise your heart out and you may get some results, but nothing to write home about.

There endeth the lecture (or rant!)

Now, go plan your good meals, stick to the plan - have ONE cheat meal in the week, exercise hard and look fantastic.

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