Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New You??

Does every new year start with the resolution... I'm going to lose weight?

Do you ever make it? If not, what were the things that sent you off the rails?

Or, was it just the fact that you had to give up so much to achieve that weight loss, that all of a sudden it didn't seem so important?

Rather than thinking about giving things up for the year to achieve your goals, how about thinking about making a few small changes each week?

ie. I am going to make sure I get a few serves of vegetables into my meals, or replace one of my soft drinks a day with a cup of green tea or 1L of water.

or - I am going to get up 20 minutes earlier and devote this time to exercise or stretching

Now, go and work out "Your Top Goal For this Year".

Have a long hard think about 1 thing that you want to change or achieve this year. Then write out 5 steps that you will do to make sure this happens. Refer to the above for guidance!! Don't think about giving things up, think about changing things, adding new things.

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