Friday, January 30, 2009

8 reasons most people fall off the fitness & weight loss wagon

This was the subject of an email from Tom Venuto (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle), so i thought it worth re-posting here:


1. NO FOCUS: you didn't set goals, you didn't put your goals in
writing, and or you didn't stay focused on your goals daily
(by reading them, affirming them, looking at a vision board, etc.)

2. NO PRIORITIES: you may have set a goal, but you didn't put it on or near the top of your priorities list. For example, your goal is six pack abs, but drinking beer and eating fast food on the weekend is higher on your priorities list than
having a flat stomach.

3. NO SUPPORT SYSTEM: you tried to go at it alone; no buddy system, training partners, family, spouse, friends, mentors or coaches to turn to for information and emotional support when the going got tough.

4. NO ACCOUNTABILITY - you didn't keep score for your own accountability - with a progress chart, weight record, measurements, food journal, training journal, and you didn't set up external accountability (ie, report to someone else
or show your results to someone else)

5. NO PATIENCE: you were only thinking short term and had unrealistic expectations. You expected 10 pounds a week or
5 pounds a week or 3 pounds a week, so the first week you lost "only" 1 or 2 pounds or hit a plateau, you gave up.

6. NO PLANNING: you winged it. You walked into the gym without having a workout in hand, on paper, you didn't
plan your workouts into your weekly schedule; you didn't have a menu on paper, you didn't make time (so instead
you made excuses, like "I'm too busy")

7. NO BALANCE: your diet or training program was too extreme. You went the all or nothing, "I want it now" route instead
of the moderate, slow-and-steady wins the race route.

8. NO PERSONALISATION: your nutrition or training program was the wrong one for you. It might have worked for someone else, but it didn't suit your schedule, personality, lifestyle, disposition or body type.

So there you have it - 8 reasons why most people to fall off the wagon! Have you been making these mistakes? If so, the solutions are clear and simple:
focus, prioritise, get support, be accountable, be patient, plan, balance and personalise.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wollongong Council's proposal

So... the Council have finally passed their draft proposal on how to handle all of us renegade fitness trainers.

Whilst the majority of us would be in favour of some type of licensing arrangement, why should we be the only users of 'public land' for 'private enterprise' that need to submit a quote indicating a dollar figure that we think we should pay for the use of whichever parcel of land that we want to train on?

Surely a simple $1000 per annum fee or something along those lines would be a fairer way to offer these licences? At least then we know what we are up for. But, to simply say we need to quote... what if we don't quote high enough for the revenue raisers?? What then of our business?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 want to run 5km ?

Many people start out there fitness regime by starting out running.  
This can sometimes be people's downfall - they start running, can only run for a minute or two, start running out of breath and feel as though they have failed, and give up.
So... what's the answer - how do you get past this and be able to continue to run effortlessly like all those others out there?
Well... firstly, it helps that you gain some understanding as to why you run out of puff so quickly.
When you first start running, your body actually is working anaerobically - ie without oxygen. It takes a little while before your aerobic system kicks in and takes over. Quite often, this is when you've run out of puff and stopped.  So...the answer is...focus and keep going for a bit longer, concentrate on breathing in and out nicely and evenly, and you will find that it appears to get easier. Of course, if you've been sedentary for a while, you're not going to be able to just keep going for 20 minutes - you will need to build up to that - so aim for small chunks to start - 5 minutes at a time or f your goal is to run 5km - how about following cool running's "couch to 5km" program here? It starts you out so gently, and has you able to run 5km easily in 9 weeks.

You will find that as your fitness increases, the quicker your aerobic system will start to kick in.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Q: I'm not sure how to structure a typical day's 'good' eating - can you help?

Many people are told that they should eat a certain way to ensure that they keep their metabolism active throughout the day - ie 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. What a lot of people aren't sure of, is how to actually do that, and what is a good daily plan.

Here's what I eat typically in a day:

Meal 1: 7.30am - Muesli with a skim milk protein shake, blueberries or other berries.
Meal 2: 10.00am (snack) 25g cheese, piece of fruit - or 1 cup watermelon/strawberries etc.
Meal 3: 1.00pm Grilled chicken, green beans, brocolli or salad
Meal 4: 3.00pm (snack) Natural Greek Yoghurt, Low fat, with frozen blueberries and sprinkle of muesli on top.
Meal 5: 7-8pm Stir fry chicken or beef, bokchoy, capsicum, beans, sprouts etc with fist size of basmati rice; or grilled marinated chicken with green veges & potato.
Meal 6: 8.30pm (snack) piece of fruit and handful of almonds
Drink during day : 2-4L water depending on exercise levels & heat.

- As you can see from the above, the daily food intake covers protein, carbs & fats. Incorporates plenty of calcium, fruit and vegetables, with adequate hydration during the day.

Two evenings a week I will 'cheat' by adding some wine & dark chocolate.

If you can plan out a week's worth of eating, in a similar structure, then you will be well on your way to excellent nutrition and weight loss success.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goals for the New Year

So - have you set your goals for the year? fitness and otherwise?
Have a clear vision of where you want to be - how you want to feel, how you want to look, what you want to achieve.
Is it a 5km fun run? A triathlon? City to Surf?
or do you want to just look the best you ever have and feel the best you ever have? How do you quantify that?
Do you need to lose 2 dress sizes or more?
Would you like to be able to increase your strength - either upper or lower body, or even your core?
Quantify that by - how long do you want to be able to hold the 'plank' for.. how many situps in a minute, how many pushups in a minute?

When you have a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve, then we can take the steps to help you get there.
Write out your goals and go and achieve them!

Council issues.
Can anyone see here, where it states about licences for fitness trainers?
Now, council are in the process of lodging development applications across various parcels of land (see DA-2008/1794) so that we can all be treated 'fairly' and 'tender' for the use of the land.
Wonder how much we'll all need to tender? What if we're not successful? do we have to shut up shop?
I'm all for paying a licence fee to the council for the use of land - but in a transparent way, not in this underhanded way, which is obviously only designed to be fair to Council and increase their fees.
The story is here:

Friday, January 2, 2009

Tips to help achieve your goals for 2009

1. Clarify your vision - what is the no. 1 goal that you want to focus on and attain this year?
2. Believe you can accomplish it.
3. Identify and align yourself with people who have already achieved what you wish to achieve.
4. Adopt a relentless commitment to action - do something every day to help get you closer to your goal.
5. Most importantly, have fun and remember to enjoy the journey along the way.