Thursday, October 23, 2008

Why you shouldn't be dieting to lose weight

  1. the word 'diet' should be removed from your vocabulary - it's just die with a 't' on the end afterall.
  2. diets generally mean reduced calories, strict ideas on 'good' foods and 'bad' foods and result in you waking up facedown in a bucket of tim tam icecream, result in lean tissue loss and more fat being returned to the body then you had in the first place.

Basically, by saying you're going on a diet, you are dooming yourself to failure

So, what's the way to weight loss success?

  1. Always eat breakfast.
  2. Always try and eat a source of protein with your breakfast, ie eggs, yoghurt, nuts, seeds or protein shake
  3. Do not be fooled into thinking 'low carb' is the only option. Your body needs carbs to fuel your workouts.
  4. Carbs should consist mainly of fruits, veges, wholegrain products, like wholegrain breads (not to be confused with 'wholemeal').
  5. Try and eat some protein with every meal and snack
  6. Try and drink at least 2 litres of water every day
  7. Try and eat some fruit or veges with every meal
  8. Never skip meals
  9. Try and have a fish oil capsule each day for Omega 3 supplementation
  10. Keep a food diary - writing down each and every item you eat and drink will help you on the way to not only weight loss success, but success in maintenance. This approach allows you to fully monitor the amounts you are eating, how you feel after you have eaten certain foods and makes you accountable.
  11. Aim to eat well 90% of the time. So, if you are having 3 meals a day and 3 snacks, that's 6 meals a day x 7 days a week = 42 meals/snacks. If you are aiming to be good for 90% of that time then 38 of those meals/snacks should be spot on the plan... you can add a few off plan treats in to 4 of those meals/snacks in the week. Remember to keep those 'cheats' as being small so you don't blow your calories too much.
  12. Keep an eye on your portion sizes. Try and visualise an ideal portion of protein (chicken breast/fish fillet) as being the size of a deck of cards, and an ideal portion of starchy carbs such as pasta or potato as being the size of a tennis ball or your balled up fist. You can have unlimited green leafy veges or green beans, asparagus etc.
  13. Be conscious of the calories you are consuming, but not ruled by them. Calories in = calories out. BUT you cannot out exercise a bad nutrition plan.
  14. Try and limit your alcohol intake - too much will hamper the best nutritional plan in the world.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Outdoor fitness sessions starting soon!

Okay, I'm just about ready to go - finally getting all of my equipment together, so my outdoor fitness squads will be starting on November 17.

There will be a four week (3 sessions/wk) beach ready camp - this will be a fairly intense round of sessions to get you in perfect shape in time for christmas.

Joining that is a 12 week (3 sessions/wk) total transformation camp - focussing on a combination of bodyshaping & cardiovascular work - incorporating soft sand, hard sand, hills, sprints, boxing, kickboxing, kettle bells, weights & core strength.

Both camps offer nutritional guides to provide you with a better understanding of what to eat and when to eat it - and show you that you can have your 'treats' as well.

I'm also looking at offering fortnightly 'Saturday sessions' - just good hard sessions that you can add to your other sessions or if you can't make it during the week, you can make up on the weekend at no extra cost.

Quick Brag!

I have 'sponsored' some friends in their local mixed Touch footy competition by providing them with 'attitude to burn' t-shirts (the hottest item to be seen in this summer!).

They played their second game last night - against some of the Savvy Fitness crew - and flogged them (their words, not mine ;-) ) by 1 point!

Go team :-)